Thursday, October 21, 2010

One year!

One year ago I ran the Susan G. Komen 5K for my first time. Since then I've ran (or ran/walked) two 10K's and another 5K. Last Saturday I ran my second Komen 5K. Feels good to have been doing this for (mostly) a solid year now. My time didn't improve (2 minutes slower) but I'm cutting myself some slack due to work and school commitments.

I could have cried when crossing the finish line - it does feel like an accomplishment, at least at the time.

To be honest, I run to eat... Had an amazing breakfast at Carolina Bagel Bakery with my running friends after the race. :) Yum, yum!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Runnin' & Walkin'

I didn't run the entire time but I did run the first mile without walking, the second mile was some of both. Even though I'm not a morning person I like the feeling of getting out in the fresh air and letting it fill my lungs.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Seven a.m.

7 a.m. comes super early, especially on Saturdays. But that's when the NoBo group meets. I think I'll go, I think I'll go.

My friend M wants me to run without stopping tomorrow. I always end up taking some walk periods. She says I need to set my mind to it and then just do it. We'll see. I'm not convinced.

Can I do this? Do I want to do this???

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Back in the saddle

Ah, its been awhile since I posted. The last NoBo group finished up with a fantastic run at the Crawdads 5K.

Then, I took the summer off. Life got busy and I lost some motivation...

But I'm back! Ran about 2 miles Saturday with the NoBo group training for the Sugan G. Komen 5K. That was my very first 5K last year so it'll be fun to see the difference (hope there is some) between then and this years.

I'm going to try and put my running shoes on more consistently!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Cooper River Bridge Run was an experience not to be forgotten! Over 40,000 people crossed the start/finish line on Saturday. Amazing! My official time was 1:22:12 (my first 10K was 1:22:05). Guess you could say I'm consistently slow. ;-) But I had an absolute blast!!! I loved the excitement that surrounded us! Music along the course was fun and the water stations came in handy. I think I doused my head with water at every station. Not sure why but it felt good and refreshing.

Charleston does a fantastic job of hosting the event! We felt welcomed everywhere we went and directions were clear. Besides, we found some delicious seafood... OMG I could go back for more! The city itself has so much to offer - we didn't even scratch the surface.

Running the bridge was... tough! 4% incline doesn't sound too bad until you're steadily going uphill for 1+ mile. Then it feels like the top will never ever come. But it does and you can run downhill for at least another mile. I loved entering the downtown district! I was zoned in on running but catching sight of the buildings and having so many people on the sidelines was fun. In fact, when I saw mile marker 5 I suddenly had a burst of energy. My running friend was like "Why are you running so fast?" "Because we just passed mile 5 I said." My answer didn't make much sense but I knew we were getting closer to the finish line. Oh, I love to start some enthusiasm so I started hollering, running with my hands in the air, etc. My friend was trying to shut me up but I was having a good time. Then my energy burst was gone and it was back to zoning in until we found the finish line.

I could go on, but instead I'll say that April 2, 2011 we have plans to be in Charleston again for the CRBR! And if you want to have a good time come run or walk it too!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

NoBo is off and running!

It's been a few weeks since I posted so I'll bring you up to speed. We had several group runs canceled due to snow, but its melted and the sun is shining again. Woo-hoo! The group is doing great! Today we ran about 2.5 miles and they did extremely well.

Morgan and I are still trying to get in some extra mileage since we have a 10K in just 4 short weeks. We did 2.5 miles before the group run this morning so got in 5 miles. Speaking of Morgan, she talked me into going to the gym last night. What did we discover? Our legs are much stronger than our arms. Time to work on toning those up - more cross training is in order.

Overall, I feel great and love the feeling of a good cold run to start my Saturday off!

Thanks for reading. ;-)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

NoBo is back!

It was a wet cold night with drizzling rain when the work day ended. M and I ran about a mile together before meeting up for the newest No Boundaries training group. There was an awesome turnout! Final count was 30+ people ready to train for a 5K together. A few runners, a couple walkers, and a lot of run/walkers.

This is my 3rd program through Fleet Feet and I'm always impressed with the organization, coaches, and staff. Tonight's new group had a great run in spite of the weather. I think they're committed already for showing up the first night in rainy weather.

Stay tuned, lots of group runs coming up over the next 12 weeks.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Running the Bridge RUN!

Tuesday marks the beginning of another No-Boundaries program. I'm anxious to get back on a regular running schedule. The weather lately hasn't been conducive to running outdoors. Ice, snow, sleet, and slush just do not make for clear sidewalks. Hopefully it will be clear for the first group run.

Morgan and I have decided to run another 10K in March. We're heading to Charleston SC for the Cooper River Bridge Run. We are super hyped!!! We booked our hotel and registered - now we need to keep up our mileage so we can finish strong on 3-27. My friend, Joyce S., said "be ready for a different type of race experience." The event is capped @ 40,000 participants. I can't wait!

Shoes are a key part of running gear. M and I hadn't been fitted for shoes until this week. Now we're both sporting new fitted running shoes! I like mine already and can't wait to find out how they feel on a run. I chose a pair of Pearl Izumi Syncrofloats while she purchased a new pair of Brook's.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just for Fun

Since there's a couple weeks break between training group runs a couple friends and I met at the store last night (Tuesday) and did a 2-mile, just for fun, run. It was a little chilly out but felt great to run a couple miles. I'd been pretty sore since Saturday's race. I think getting out there again helped to ease some of the tension.

A couple friends of mine signed up for the next 5K training. Looking forward to seeing them out there as part of the group.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mission Accomplished!

The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.” Quote by John Bingham.

If you had asked me in July 09' if I wanted to run or train to be a runner I would have said no. But in August I signed up for 5k training. My main reason was to find a way to stay physically active when classes started back. Besides, a friend from work said she would do it with me.

Crossing the finish line today at the Isaac Dickson Hot Chocolate 10K was an incredible experience, even emotional. The last 1/2 mile or so was a hill that called for energy I really didn't think I had left. But with the help of my FF group cheering me on I ran across the finish line with a chip time of 1:22:02. My goal was to complete the race in 1 1/2 hour or less but my eyes couldn't even register the clock time as I neared the top. All I knew is that I couldn't stop. I had to keep going and somehow, with their help, I did.

Mile #1 I thought was this was a long mile and I only have to do it 5 more times.

Mile #2 my thoughts were if I can make it mile 3 then I will be 1/2 way done.

Mile #3 my mind said if you can make it to four, then its just one more mile to 5, and then the finish line.

Mile # 4 now just one more mile and then the goal is finish line.

Mile #5 all that's left is the finish line, just make it to there.

Mile #6 only 0.2 miles left (and it's all uphill!)

Mile #6.2 I DID IT!!!! I REALLY DID IT!!!! (this was after some water and more normal breathing).

There are lots of runners out there, very incredible athletes. I don't claim to be one of them, but I do claim to be someone that now knows what its like to set a goal, physically train for it, and see the hard work pay off on race day. Its hard for me to explain the physical, mental, and emotional processes your mind goes through during events like this 10K. What do I recommend? Find something that does that for you! It might not be running or it might be running. It may be something you've never given much thought to, but I promise when you find a niche that suits you your life will change in some way.

Next up is a 5k, training starts Feb 9. If you're interested in joining I can tell you all the details.

Already some friends and I are exploring the ideas of when (maybe later this year/fall) we want to train for a 1/2 marathon. We know it'll be hard, take much endurance, and make us feel terrible. But in the long run, every pain we feel will be worth every effort!

Thanks for reading and following my runs. I plan to sleep like a baby tonight!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

10K Training Complete - Mission Accomplished!

OMG! We made it. Completed the 10K training program and finished every course we started. Hooray to my running groupie friends!!!

Tonight was the last group run before our 10K. However, it wasn't our last run together because I know we'll start training for another race soon.

4 1/2 miles was the course, except it was the one I dislike. It goes by the store after about 2 miles and it's oh-so-tempting to stop!

Shin splints hurt! Hard to run with pain searing up the front of your legs. Brandee and I have both been dealing with that lately. Increased mileage is probably playing into it. Also, we both need fitted for actual running shoes. But we can't make any changes right before the race.

Saturday runs (even though I'm not a morning person) always go much better for me. Super glad the race is on a Saturday morning!

The first 2 miles or so seemed hard tonight but the closer we were to finishing, the better and faster we ran. I like a strong finish!

Keep reading, Asheville's Hot Cocoa 10K is just around the corner!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

5 miles @ 34° temp

Saturday 1/16/10

My running friend B texted me to say her sitter had canceled and she couldn't make it. We were both disappointed! The group was down to about nine runners even though the temp was higher than it had been for a few weeks. I got it into my head that because B wasn't there that I should try to stay with the other runners. Mistake #1. Running is an individual sport. That's what they preach to us. It isn't about what anyone else is doing, its about what works for each individual. Luckily, what works for B and I are very similar paces. But I tried to keep pace with other runners and wore myself out the first mile. Problem with that was it made for 4 difficult miles because I gave too much on mile #1. I think it was a good lesson/reminder about pacing. The hardest time to pace yourself is usually in events because there's so many people moving forward that its easy to follow the crowd, regardless of how it suits your running plan.

Another difficult part of the run was because I started having back pains earlier in the week and woke up in pain several times Friday night with it. It didn't bother me too bad while running but after finishing I realized it might have not been the best idea. Its not much better, actually worse today. I am way past due on a chiropractor visit. Hopefully he can see me this week and have me aligned for Saturdays big day.

More later on this week as my friends and I prep for the Hot Cocoa 10k!!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

*Only* 5 Miles

I just replied to a friend's status on FB that said "I am going to try...although I highly doubt I will run 6 miles...I am thinking 3.5." My reply was, "I think its only 5 miles tomorrow." I hit the comment button and then laughed, I just said ONLY 5 miles. *Smile*

Tomorrow's run is tapering down to 5 miles from 6 - 6 1/2 to give our bodies a little rest before the big day. Hopefully it'll be a great run and get us all excited about the Hot Cocoa race.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Almost race time

I can't believe. 2 weeks away from the race. The last few runs have been super cold!

Tuesday (1/5/10) was a "brick wall" run, for me. I finished the 4 miles, but I was fighting a brick wall the entire time. Incredibly difficult run - 25 degree temp, windy, and mentally not into it.

Saturday's (1/9/10) run was great. It was cold, 12 degrees when we started. 12 of us set out for 6 miles and I think almost everyone finished. I managed to find my rhythm and that made for a superb run.

We only have 3 more group runs until we all head to Asheville for the hot cocoa race. Its starts at 7 a.m. (shivers!) but most of us are spending the night there on Friday so we don't have to wake up too early.

Then its decision time. Train for another 5K or do a 1/2 marathon?! I kinda want to try the 1/2 but not sure my friends will do it with me. I need them to keep me going. I'll let ya know!