Sunday, March 28, 2010


Cooper River Bridge Run was an experience not to be forgotten! Over 40,000 people crossed the start/finish line on Saturday. Amazing! My official time was 1:22:12 (my first 10K was 1:22:05). Guess you could say I'm consistently slow. ;-) But I had an absolute blast!!! I loved the excitement that surrounded us! Music along the course was fun and the water stations came in handy. I think I doused my head with water at every station. Not sure why but it felt good and refreshing.

Charleston does a fantastic job of hosting the event! We felt welcomed everywhere we went and directions were clear. Besides, we found some delicious seafood... OMG I could go back for more! The city itself has so much to offer - we didn't even scratch the surface.

Running the bridge was... tough! 4% incline doesn't sound too bad until you're steadily going uphill for 1+ mile. Then it feels like the top will never ever come. But it does and you can run downhill for at least another mile. I loved entering the downtown district! I was zoned in on running but catching sight of the buildings and having so many people on the sidelines was fun. In fact, when I saw mile marker 5 I suddenly had a burst of energy. My running friend was like "Why are you running so fast?" "Because we just passed mile 5 I said." My answer didn't make much sense but I knew we were getting closer to the finish line. Oh, I love to start some enthusiasm so I started hollering, running with my hands in the air, etc. My friend was trying to shut me up but I was having a good time. Then my energy burst was gone and it was back to zoning in until we found the finish line.

I could go on, but instead I'll say that April 2, 2011 we have plans to be in Charleston again for the CRBR! And if you want to have a good time come run or walk it too!